Useful Links
Summary of Pathways paths and projects – provides a summary of each Toastmasters International path and the projects which are completed for each path.
Detailed summary of Pathways paths and projects – provides a detailed summary of each Toastmasters path and the projects which are completed for each path.
The Navigator – provides a detailed introduction to Pathways (and Toastmasters more generally).
District 91 - We now have a website for our new District 91 (South) website. Feel free to go an explore!
Six Minutes - a great Public Speaking and Presentation blogs by a Canadian champion Toastie. Plenty of Toastmaster tips.
EasySpeak - Our club page on EasySpeak, where you can schedule your prepared speeches and fill club roles.
Toastmasters Meeting Roles - Find out how you can participate in every meeting.
District D91, South West London - Feel free to explore the D91 website
Grammarian Checklist - Feel free to use this when undertaking the Grammarian role.
District D91 YouTube Channel - Some inspiring videos from experienced Toastmasters
Cliche List - Some phrases to avoid when speaking.
EasySpeak Guide - Because its not always intuitive.
Guide to Meeting Roles - Our meetings are not just about
prepared speeches. There are many supporting roles too.
Generic fillable Speech Evaluation Form - For speech evaluations.
Some of our members have exciting lives outside of Toastmasters! Here are some of their web links:
Sonia Aste is our resident comedian, and winner of the UK & Ireland International Toastmaster Contest 2019.
Glen Savage is one of our veteran speakers and has his own speaking academy, The Purple Speaking Academy.